24, Jul 2024
"Hum, what about you? Would I torture them like this if the general music exchange was held?"

"What are you doing for the next fifteen days?" The old dean sighed. "That’s the real meaning of this exchange meeting. Otherwise, the small exchange meeting will not even attract the attention of the country, and the world-famous musicians and famous orchestras will come to the 70th anniversary of the…

20, Jul 2024
This made Li Wenxuan feel even worse. He felt chest tightness and panic.

Very not easy to stop laughing Ding Qiunan and Wang Yueyue have collapsed in the back seat. "Wenxuan, isn’t your father giving ointment? Why don’t you touch it?" Li Wenxuan didn’t answer this. I can’t say that he thinks it’s a little sissy to put that thing on his exposed…

17, Jul 2024
After the last member disappeared, he fled from Gongsun Qishen, and then exploded into the sky. All the villas near the villa suffered, and the explosion power directly flooded the whole villa group.

"I can’t believe you’re still alive after such a big explosion." sharingan stared at the explosion place with his eyes exposed. "The mysterious organization owes me an account again, ruining the only thing my parents left me with commemorative value. We’ll calculate it slowly." Zhangwan Chapter 21 Target Item Home…

12, Jul 2024
Chapter I read less. Don’t lie to me.

Zhang Yiming smiled awkwardly and scratched his head. "Well, if you had said so, I wouldn’t be mulling over it." "This network must be done, but in view of our low risk tolerance, I think it is more appropriate to take it in several steps." Chen Bo, with a shot…

8, Jul 2024
Knowing that Yun Fan came here, Hou Liangdao said, "The title of’ outstanding youth’ is indeed qualified to buy D-class mecha. The purchase price of D-class mecha is 10 million federal dollars. However, D-class mecha already belongs to the’ middle class’ and can only be bought and sold by the military. I will give you a referral and go to the military to find the head of the military to buy it."

Mecha grades from low to high are F, E, D, C, B, A, S, SS, SSS, and S-class special mechs and S-class ordinary mechs. Among the six levels of ordinary mecha, F and E-level low-order mecha D, C-level medium-order mecha B and A-level high-order mecha have different access channels. Low-order…

3, Jul 2024
Don’t ask about anonymity.

After all, guilt-to-guilt day will continue. Even if there is a high probability of death. But he is still not sure if anyone can find out who did the huge explosion … Do the main reason for him Once exposed, you have to meet the beatings from all sides immediately!…

28, Jun 2024
Lu git’s face turned black. "You haven’t given money yet!"

"How much did you almost forget?" Manzhong asked "One hundred gold!" Lu git lion big mouth way One hundred gold hoes this time, I want you to give a bloody Lu git a ferocious smile. "Such a good hoe to one hundred gold? It’s really cheap. Well, come with me…

21, Jun 2024
18, Jun 2024
That a few overhaul demon fairy suddenly felt a little wrong in his heart. He has come to this point. Supposedly, his mind should be very patient. People and things are hard to control his thoughts. Why did you just want to test a dragon star Xuan to see if you can frame him? Now you suddenly have a good impression on him and don’t want to start work on him?

Although there is a bad feeling in my heart, in the face of Wan demon fairy, a large array of true yuan gods rushed up, and the root of power was not something that these overhauls demon fairy could resist. And as they had doubts in their hearts, they suddenly…

15, Jun 2024
It is said that saints are ants, but I have never seen a saint, but I am not afraid of being too one.

Luo Ya saw that the Terran was almost destroyed by the demon race, and it was his saint’s mood that was also slightly angry. Seeing Taiyi so arrogant, Luo Ya naturally had to teach a lesson. See Luo Ya waving the green seven treasures wonderful tree according to Taiyi and…