27, Jul 2024
According to Xu Feiqiong, the six emperors are the Oriental Qinghua Emperor (Taiyi saves the suffering Buddha), the Nine Spirits are too wonderful, the Haotian Golden Mother, the Zhongtian Arctic Ziwei Emperor, the Western Taiji Emperor, the South Antarctic Immortal Emperor and the North Xuantian Zhenwu Emperor?

The wind soul will secretly ponder this list. Mu Gong has gone, and this "Oriental Taiyi Qinghua Emperor" is naturally a hollow name. Although the Queen Mother was originally a four-royal, she was once awarded the title of Fang Tianzun, and all female immortals should worship her. In the early…

26, Jul 2024
Yu has been ranked first in the rankings through his own special attack methods, leaving the second shadow far behind.

After waking up from a coma, he brushed the points back to the third place in the rankings. The last few are the top players of the top legions, and the top 11 or 12 are always close to the top ones. The war seems to have been very long,…

25, Jul 2024
When he said this, his rifle began to ring.

Zhang Shengqi shouted, "Brothers cover each other while fighting!" Four or five people lived in the position, and the submachine guns in their hands began to continuously shoot at the Russian troops around to suppress the Russian firepower! The submachine gun is too different from the rifle fire. Several Russian…

24, Jul 2024
"Hum, what about you? Would I torture them like this if the general music exchange was held?"

"What are you doing for the next fifteen days?" The old dean sighed. "That’s the real meaning of this exchange meeting. Otherwise, the small exchange meeting will not even attract the attention of the country, and the world-famous musicians and famous orchestras will come to the 70th anniversary of the…

23, Jul 2024
"confused!" General Pierre frowned and immediately reprimanded them. If they were not his confidants, they would have been driven out. "Zhao Feng is a three-level combat readiness application. You don’t want to bypass him and give supplies to other military regions?"

The two men have always had a headache, but they forgot this. If they crossed the combat readiness and gave him military supplies directly, the horse would give Zhao Crazy an excuse. If such a thing really happened, they would even excuse me, even General Pierre. "But the general has…

22, Jul 2024
After a hearty meal, Xu Ren lies on the hillside to practice this strange fish. The fish is not only delicious, but also rich in spiritual power. Although it is not comparable to Lingshi and Dan Yao, it still has the effect of nourishing the body and meridians after eating it. So Xu Ren simply sits on a hill and lets the spiritual power swim around the meridians to nourish the meridians and bodies.

In a blink of an eye, a fish-belly grey appeared in Lebanon and the east. The first ray of sunshine shone on the river in the morning, turning the river into a golden water mirror. There are crisp birds around the hill, but they wake up earlier than people. Perhaps…

21, Jul 2024
Yang You look a clot excavate also frown way "is he?"

Yang You took two steps to the front of Li Zhiyun’s door, and the prison was dark. Immediately, the jailer took the fire and Yang You saw a man lying in the prison, black and blue, and kept moaning. "Find a doctor and give him no solitary orders from today…

20, Jul 2024
This made Li Wenxuan feel even worse. He felt chest tightness and panic.

Very not easy to stop laughing Ding Qiunan and Wang Yueyue have collapsed in the back seat. "Wenxuan, isn’t your father giving ointment? Why don’t you touch it?" Li Wenxuan didn’t answer this. I can’t say that he thinks it’s a little sissy to put that thing on his exposed…

19, Jul 2024
If this sentence is not a treasure and pure cold owl, she will definitely recognize that she is flirting

But she’s not a treasure. The rogue’s evil habit of speaking has caused him a considerable epidemic. It’s hard to figure out why there are so many strange thoughts in such a small girl’s mind. ! Ignore her, or this guy will get more and more excited. Section 367 He…

18, Jul 2024
Chapter 752 Look as old as killing you!

Chapter 752 Look as old as killing you! "Li Xuandao, do you want to kill me?" Tuoba Liuyun’s face suddenly turned fierce, and his black arrogance soared fiercely. "Even the master of the Golden State can’t kill me. You are a five-layer waste refining god. Can I kill me?" "What…