27, Jul 2024
According to Xu Feiqiong, the six emperors are the Oriental Qinghua Emperor (Taiyi saves the suffering Buddha), the Nine Spirits are too wonderful, the Haotian Golden Mother, the Zhongtian Arctic Ziwei Emperor, the Western Taiji Emperor, the South Antarctic Immortal Emperor and the North Xuantian Zhenwu Emperor?

The wind soul will secretly ponder this list. Mu Gong has gone, and this "Oriental Taiyi Qinghua Emperor" is naturally a hollow name. Although the Queen Mother was originally a four-royal, she was once awarded the title of Fang Tianzun, and all female immortals should worship her. In the early…

23, Jul 2024
"confused!" General Pierre frowned and immediately reprimanded them. If they were not his confidants, they would have been driven out. "Zhao Feng is a three-level combat readiness application. You don’t want to bypass him and give supplies to other military regions?"

The two men have always had a headache, but they forgot this. If they crossed the combat readiness and gave him military supplies directly, the horse would give Zhao Crazy an excuse. If such a thing really happened, they would even excuse me, even General Pierre. "But the general has…

21, Jul 2024
Yang You look a clot excavate also frown way "is he?"

Yang You took two steps to the front of Li Zhiyun’s door, and the prison was dark. Immediately, the jailer took the fire and Yang You saw a man lying in the prison, black and blue, and kept moaning. "Find a doctor and give him no solitary orders from today…

16, Jul 2024
"The Moon Family is the largest family in Luohaijiang, and its strength can be compared with that of the six Dojo. Don’t drink. Listen to me first. If you want to join the Moon Family, you can not only learn how to ride the spirit, but also get Xing Dan. Do you want to consider one?" Red Xiang Yin gave Guo Yi a bowl in his hand to make a sudden snatch and asked him with a smile.

Guo Yi just got up as if he didn’t hear Hong Xiang’s words, and seemed to be leaving. There is no shortage of cultivating immortal spirits and Xing Dan Guo Yi, and Guo Yi’s interest in what month’s family is not great. Throwing out these conditional roots will not tempt…

11, Jul 2024
"Let’s eat. Anyway, I’m going out for a trip to buy it again." Xing Feng said and gave his lunch box to Xia Zhu.

Xia Zhu was embarrassed to take it. "Thank you and I’ll treat you to a big meal." "I’m going to give psychological counseling to a child outside the school. Would you like to go and see it together if you are interested?" Xing Feng suddenly made an invitation. Xia Zhu…

6, Jul 2024
Lu Yuan saw two things when he clicked on his backpack.

One is a novice gift package, and the other is to unlock the character template. He looked at the character template first. [Template Jiraiya (common form)] [Source Naruto] [Quality gold (diamond)] [Characters are lascivious and unrestrained, like beautiful women, like peeping, and have a kind heart] The qualitative difference should…

5, Jul 2024
Xia Zhu seems to be very satisfied with evoking Bai Yin Tingba. "Then smile for Miss Sister now!"

Bai yinting really laughed, but then he turned passively and kissed Xia Zhu’s lips actively. "You have aroused my desire, baby. What should I do if I want you now?" Bai Yin’s voice is hoarse and full of male charm. Xia Zhu was like being struck by a lightning stroke,…

30, Jun 2024
It’s not very nice to say, Xiaoqing. If you really want to refer to Shinto, isn’t it a better choice to Pei Wende Mohuluoja?

"Sure enough, it’s a different kind …" It’s a pity to stare at Xiaoqing silently and realize that the other party didn’t follow Shinto’s idea. Like Xiaoqing, ghosts and gods who don’t follow Shinto were active in that era, although it was rare, it was not without it. Those arrogant…

20, Jun 2024
I don’t know how many years, the most grand happy event in Jiuding Mountain officially came to the curtain at the door!

This kind of thing rushed to the first, of course, is the egg, although there is no little darling around … The door giggled and jumped into the room, just like everyone else. After really seeing Wenleyang, the ghost screamed at the moment and turned around and ran away. No…

16, Jun 2024
In the summer, he said with a look of praise, "I divided all the bowls today. Do you think they are neatly arranged?"

When I saw the dining table in summer, the bowls and chopsticks were not neatly placed in every seat. She was very pleased. "It’s so good that our Xiaotian grew up. My sister bought you potato chips and chocolate to eat after dinner." Xiaotian is so happy to dance. When…